About me

I often say that I am an ordinary person, because I want to be an ordinary person, right, it's very simple.

I don’t have much to say about my major. Sometimes I don’t have a clear understanding of my favorite hobbies, so I feel chaos. There may be some answers, but I haven’t found them yet.

As for if there is more, I want to wait until later to describe it. Sometimes I feel that life is very fragile, because of some things that happen around us and the news we see, we will think of ourselves. It is true, people will one day Death, so I am always prepared. I think it has nothing to do with age. Some things are balanced, such as fate and accidents.

Overall, I think should cherish time and do things that make happy.

I found that many people can write, or have some talent (singing, dancing, painting). Whether everyone has talent, I don't know, but I think everyone is unique..

What i'm doing

  • product management icon

    Use the Internet correctly

    It has not been long since the Internet developed to this day. It can only be said that it has just begun and has become history. How to use the Internet correctly is a question that many people are thinking about.

  • Pie chart icon

    Baking is also an art

    I have tried many times. For novices, baking is not easy and often fail. But I like to do it myself. Many of us have no experience in cooking because don't have time or don't know how to do it, Will find it troublesome.

  • project management icon

    Capture the changes in life

    I remember having some exposure to a camera when I was a child, maybe camera was pretend, but I have some impressions. The reason I love photography is because I feel that life, with all its colors, should be captured and preserved. When we look at these photos, it always brings back beautiful memories.

  • Jira Admin

    Learn a language

    We are exposed to a lot of knowledge in school, but many times we don’t have much interest in learning. I will always stay focused on learning English well.

  • camera icon

    Catch up on dramas

    Most countries have some excellent film and television series. I will spend time watching many of them. Some popular series will continue to be updated for many years.

  • program icon

    Oil painting style

    I like oil painting because I find color matching to be truly magical. Many colors have their own names, and individually they are beautiful, but when combined, they are truly unparalleled.



  1. The first point

    August 2023 - Present

    Many times we see a lot of things other people say, or hear things others say,

    and these words will affect us to a greater or lesser extent,

    maybe not. What I want to say is don’t care so much about how others think of you.

  2. Second point

    August 2023 - Present

    When we start to grow up and become adults, our thoughts are different from those in the past.

    This is bound to happen. Maybe someone can keep it the same. No matter what,

    I think as long as the goal is still there, clarifying your goal is What, that’s good

  3. The third point

    August 2023 - Present

    When you are reading these contents, I hope you are in a good mood at this moment,

    happy and free from worries. Even if you are in a bad mood,

    I will tell you to keep a happy heart.

    As for how to do it, you can think about it. Good luck finding the answer


  1. Junior high school and high school to Internet university

    September 2010 - Present

    As I grow older, everything has changed. When I was a child, I didn’t think so much. I almost didn’t need to think about anything, and I didn’t know anything. It was just in the circle of school. Generally speaking, having classmates is a good thing. I I don’t know when I became interested in computers. After all, this is an era when mobile phones have developed.

    Even though I've been out of school for many years, I haven't stopped learning. I remember back in middle school when I first learned how to turn a computer on and off, and in high school, my friends and I used to play CS:GO on the school computers. (It was allowed by the school, and we had one evening class each week to use the school computers.).

  2. Kindergarten to primary school

    September 1999 - September 2009

    My memories of the past are limited, but I still remember some things. I recall making paper cut-out red flowers in kindergarten. When I started elementary school, I often stayed after school because I couldn't remember the multiplication tables. While my classmates went home, I sat by the flowerbed on the playground, continuing to memorize the times tables. We used to pull weeds at the beginning of each school year because the school playground was filled with them. I transferred to another school in the first semester of fourth grade and stayed there until I graduated from elementary school. During elementary school, I enjoyed playing with mud and bottle caps.

My skills

  • English
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Adobe Photoshop
